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final practical examination short case


General medicine  E - LOG Book 

Final practical examination : short case


Hall ticket no : 1701006198

This is an online E-log book to discuss our patient de-identified healthdata shared after taking his/ her guardians sign informed consent 

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available Global online community of experts with an aimto solve those patient clinical problem with collective current bestevidence based inputs. 

This E-log also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand thetopic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competancy inreading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinicalfinding, investigations and come up with a  diagnosis and treatmentplan.

Case presentation : 

22 Year old Male patient came to the opd  with the chief  complaints of    

abdomen pain  since 4 days

History of presenting Illness:  

 Patient was apparently asymptomatic

 4 months back then he developed  abdomen pain and vomiting 

 presenting to a hospital diagnosed as Acute Pancreatitis. He was

 treated at the hospital and was discharged with the advice to stop

 drinking alcohol.

     Then    4 days back , he developed pain over upper abdomen which 

 is of dragging type, radiating to back aggravated on lying down.

        Patient denies history of fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

        Patient also gives history of alcohol withdrawal symptoms after

 the pancreatits episode 4 months back and desries to take up a

 treatment for deaddiction

Past History:

            Not a known case of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension. Epilepsy,

 Cardiovascular diseases. Asthma and tuberculosis

Family History: No similar complaints in family

           Not significant

Personal history:

   Takes mixed diet, has a reduced appetite

            Sleep is Adequate

            Bowel and bladder habits are regular

            Addictions: Started drinking alcohol 4 years back with friends

 and later the amount of alcohol incresed to 12 units. Started taking

 alcohol daily since 3 years. 

 Reduced intake to 3 units since 3 months. Last intake

 was 5 days back of about 6 units of alcohol.

  Smokes 3-5 beedies per day

General physical examination: Patient is conscious, cooperative and

 well oriented to time, place and person.He is of thin built.


 No signs of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing. lymphadenopathy

edema present


   Patient is afebrile 

   Pulse rate: 92 bpm

   Blood pressure: 110/80 mm of Hg

   Respirtaory rate: 14 cpm

Systemic Examination:




Shape – Flat

Umbilicus –central in position 

All quadrants of abdomen are moving equally with respiration.

No dilated veins, hernial orifices, sinuses

No visible pulsations.



No local rise of temperature and tenderness

All inspectory findings are confirmed.

No guarding, rigidity

Deep palpation- no organomegaly.



There is no fluid thrill , shifting dullness.

Percussion over abdomen- tympanic note heard.



 Bowel sounds are heard.

Respiratory system:  Bilateral air entry present,No added breath sounds

Cardiovascular system: S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

Central nervous system: Higher function intact
  Sensory and motor system intact

   Cranial nerves normal


        Serum Lipase: 112 IU/L (13-60)

        Serum Amylase: 255IU/L (25-140)


                Hemoglobin: 11.8 mg/dl 

                Total leucocytes: 14,300 cells/cumm

                Lymphocytes: 16(18-20)

Provisional diagnosis: Pseudocyst of pancreas with unresolved acute pancreatitis .


        Nill By Mouth 

        Intravenous fluids Ringer lactate and normal saline 10ml per hour

        Inj. TRAMADOL 100 mg in 100ml normal saline IV BD

        INJ. ZOFER 4mg IV BD

        INJ. PAN 40 MG IV BD

        INJ. OPTINEURIN 1amp in 100 ml nd IV OD

        Psychiatric medication: 

        TAB. LORAZEPAM 2mg BD

        TAB. BENFOTIAMINE 100mg OD


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